Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Christmas in July ~ on Etsy

I's 100 degrees outside...but many shops have joined in on this Etsy wide promotion...Christmas in July. So if you are one who likes to plan ahead, head over to to get in on some Christmas Specials.


Busy Bee Suz said...

I can't believe you took my brain down this morning with the mention of Christmas. :)
The Santas are adorable.

Unknown said...

Those santas are so sweet. It's not a bad idea to plan ahead, especially for those of us who typically wait until the very last minute!


jodi said...

Your santas are so cute!

pam said...

Those santas are adorable. I love the button trim on the hats!

Carol said...

TOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!

National Love your Pet Day

Yesterday was Love your Pet Day. Isn’t that every day?! I love how they keep me company during my early morning routine. I love how they kee...