Monday, September 21, 2009


It is Homecoming Week here at Central. This begins with Coronation, as the Queen and Marshall will reign over the week's festivities. Some of you remember that both of our daughters are Queens. This has never before happened at CHS...siblings being crowned the Queen. One of our school counselors (Barry) refers to me as the Queen Mother. Now...if I had anything to do with this, I could write a book and retire from teaching.
I cannot remember a time when I have been more proud...because the Queen and Marshall are selected by their peers.

Love someone who doesn't deserve it. ~Author Unknown

Kindness matters.
Always be a little kinder than necessary. ~James M. Barrie

Hard work pays off.

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

How beautiful a day can be When kindness touches it!~George Elliston

In about the same degree as you are helpful, you will be happy. ~Karl Reiland

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. ~Plato
There are no traffic jams when you go the extra mile. ~Attributed to both Zig Ziglar and Dr. Kenneth McFarland
Life is short but there is always time for courtesy. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
A person who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter, is not a nice person. ~Dave Barry
Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves. ~James Matthew Barrie
You two will always be my queens!


Carol said...

Your daughters are beautiful! I know you must be so proud! Enjoy this special time.


Kathy said...

That is so awesome and so exciting! They are so beautiful and I'm sure they are just as beautiful on the inside! Queen Mother...that's great!

Farm Field Primitives said...

Your daughters are so pretty. They both must have a true inner beauty as well to be awarded such honors. You have a right to be so proud!! I love your quotes--so inspiring. Have a great day.

Anne said...

Oh my..your girls look soo much alike!! They have such pretty smiles!!! Congrats to them both, you must be proud mamma!!

Busy Bee Suz said...

How proud you must be...and deserving too.
I love these quotes about being nice, I think a lot of people don't realize how easy it is to be NICE!!!
Gorgeous young ladies you have!

pam said...

I love it! Queen Mother!

Kim Klassen said...

hi natalie
thank you for visiting my blog. what a gift to teach the simple act of kindness to high school kids. and what a proud mother you must be. your daughters are beautiful! i really enjoyed this post. :)


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