Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tuesday's Tip of the Day

When making homemade crescent rolls...make sure the tip of the triangle is securely pinched and tucked underneath the roll before placing on the baking sheet. This prevents them from uncurling as they rise and bake.

This week is our Yeast Bread week in Basic Foods class at Central. We have used nearly 75 pounds of flour in two days. We make dinner rolls, cinnamon rolls and pizza. If anyone would like recipes...please post a comment and I can make it happen!


Busy Bee Suz said...

I love this tip and I can smell all the bread from here!!!!
Are yeast rolls easy to make? I love them and have not had any for a longggg time.

Audrey said...

I wish I could bake rolls! Don't have a problem with Cinnamon Buns but bread and rolls just don't seem to turn out for me. Yours look so yummy!
Thanks so much for following my blog - following back.

D.E. said...

oh thanks so much for the time to leave a comment. Lovely etsy shops you have. Blessings, Denise

Oklahoma Granny said...

I am always up for new recipes! If you're emailing them, send a copy to cksgranny@wildblue.net. Thanks bunches!

Tolentreasures said...

Still having trouble commenting on your blog, but I am reading. Must have hit the comment button just right this morning because it let me in here. Your daughters are beautiful and what an honor to have them both as homecoming queens. Cleaning after work?, some days it is all I can do to drag myself home and hit the recliner. I have no idea where the energy went to!
Have a great day!


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