Monday, November 9, 2009

Attn: All Yarn Artists

Whether you knit or crochet, you are going to be green with envy.
The most fabulous yarn shop is located in my backyard...Yesterday I walked there in less than 5 minutes. That's my house on the right...walk a half block...turn...walk a half block...and there's Betty's on the left...
Betty's Loft that is...just open the front door...leave your coat and shoes in the foyer and head up stairs...But first...check out all the eye candy. Yesterday these sweet felted chickens in a pot on the table caught my attention.

Often Betty's hubby is watching football with Linus.

Some of the most beautiful rich colors and textures can be found amongst the yarns in Betty's Loft. Check out her blog here...her Etsy store here...and her website here.

But it's best to go in person, as Betty will give personalized instructions, free patterns and motivational advice. Here she is in her studio...

Back home again...and with Betty's help, I now have needles, yarn and a pattern to create the latest fashion trend...A knit Cowl Neck Warmer....


Betty said...

Great photos and writing, Natalie! Thank you- can't wait to see the cowls.

Anonymous said...

Wow...she is close to you! I'm not a knitter but admire the work that others can do with their needles!

Busy Bee Suz said...

How wonderful to have Betty in your back yard!!!! Love those lil' chickens too...and Linus!!
Can't wait to see your newest creation!

Willoughby said...

I wish I knew how to knit. I tried to learn once, and it was complete disaster! I wish Betty's shop was around the corner from my house, I might be inspired to try knitting again!

Christine Burgess said...

How nice for you to have this shop so close to your home. Sounds like a wonderful owner too.

National Love your Pet Day

Yesterday was Love your Pet Day. Isn’t that every day?! I love how they keep me company during my early morning routine. I love how they kee...