Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

Certainly everyone remembers the New Years Celebrations of 10 years ago...The Millennium New Year. Our girls were 10 and 14. We had several close family friends...all with children in about the same age group.
A party was planned...a big party...a party to create special memories on this special New Years Eve.
We all dressed up, started the evening with cocktails (mocktails for the children), then gathered at the convention center, ate a lovely dinner, listened to the band and danced the night away.
I remember this special New Years Eve with fondness.
Ten years brings many changes for everyone. We now live in three different cities, so I cherish the few times when we are all together. (This picture was taken on Easter 2009.)

Best wishes to you for

health, happiness and success

for the New Year...for the New Decade.


Jody said...

Happy New Year Natalie!

Unknown said...

Happy New Year to you and your family! Wishing you a blessed year of many special times together.


Busy Bee Suz said...

I was thinking of our 1999 NYE last night as well.
Big changes for all of us.
Happy new year to you and your family!!

TJ said...

May this new year and decade bring you many treasured times together with those that are so dear to your heart ! Many blessings to you and yours.

pam said...

Happy New Year, Natalie!

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