Thursday, January 21, 2010

Things in my House Thursday ~ Snowmen


Suzanne said...

You've got quite a collection! ;o)

The Farmer's Attic said...

Love the collection! Can't help but get the feeling that one of these things just doesn't belong - hmmmmmmmmm!


TJ said...

I have that same snowman in pic #2 I heart snowmen ! Enjoyed seeing yours. Makes me wanna go on a snowman shopping spree lol.
Prim Huggs n Blessins

pam said...

Hey, what's that kitty doing in there?!

Christine said...

Can't have too many snowmen! Love your collection!

Busy Bee Suz said...

They are all so cute. Really though, that last one looks suspiciously like a feline. :0

Anonymous said...

You got me with the last photo! Hee!!

Cathryn said...

Love your collection! My husband likes snowmen--I prefer Santas. Love the final collection! Precious!

Lori in South Dakota said...

me too! I just counted 18 of them in the living room--but NONE like the last one you pictured!

Willoughby said...

Fabulous! I love your snowmen!

marie said...

Love all your snowmen and your kitty too!
I have the cute little salt & pepper set in the first photo.
Target, right!?
Did you get yours at the after Christams sales? I picked up two sets when they were 70% off ~ I love a bargain!

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