Monday, March 1, 2010

In Like a Lamb

March came in like a lamb here...
...It was sunny...
...and 1 degree above zero....
Here I am, going into the school about 7:30 a.m.  See how our flag is hanging down?  Not blowing in the wind??  It was a nice morning!

And a text from Emily...
"I rode my bike to school today!"
My response...
"Is it nice there?"
Her reply...
"24 degrees!"

I've always said that the folks are hardy folks, here in the midwest...

For dinner tonight?  Comfort food.  We are making the soup that Line's Mom sent to her. 
Do you think that this is 4 portions??
Ummm...I'm going to need some help with this...


ballast photography said...

Just stopping bu to "meet" my newest follower! Thanks so much! I love the little lamb. After reading your post, I feel like a wuss, considering that I have been bemoaning how much I miss my bike, never dreaming I could get it out with the mercury hovering in the mid forties. It reached the fifties today. I took my bike on the inaugural spin of the 2010 season :)

Cathryn said...

Well...I've been put in my place today! I was moaning that it was too cold for me to go walking at 24 degrees! LOL Ok...I'll be better, I promise!

Love the lamb--but I don't know about that soup mix!

Betty Manousos said...

I love the little lamb! So cute!Great pic!
And soups are my fave dish!
Following this site, too:)
Have a great day!
Betty xx

Willoughby said...

I'm a little worried about March coming in like a lamb around here, too. It got into the low 40's yesterday. I hope the "lion" won't make an appearance!

Thank you so much for visiting my Etsy store and hearting me! I hearted you right back. You have the most beautiful items in your store! You are very talented!

Busy Bee Suz said...

She rode her bike?? She is a hardy girl!!!!
Enjoy your soup...4 servings? maybe?

Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

Hope your soup was good!

Chatty Crone said...

I love the little lamb too - white with the pink.

Guess what - we have 4 inches of snow in Marietta, Georgia today!


Cordwood Cabin said...

Ooooh, 24 degrees ... at least it's not quite that cold here. The wee lamb looks very spring-like, though ... maybe we just need to think warm thoughts!

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