Thursday, March 4, 2010

Things in my Mailbox Thursday~Winning a Give-Away

I won a give-away! Recently my bloggy friend, Deb of  Crow's Creek Primitives sponsored a giveaway for the Skin MD hand and body lotion.  She explained that with crafting her hands often took a beating...and I could completely agree.

Between teaching Basic Foods and washing my hands constantly...teaching Fashion and Knitting; and then working on craft projects at home...
...not to mention sub-zero temperatures here...
My hands were always sooo dry.  Well, I won her give-away and  recieved this sample of Skin MD.
It fits in my purse and I have been using it several times a day... for a week.

I love how it feels...
I love how it smells...
I love Skin MD...


Oklahoma Granny said...

I'll definitely have to look for this product. Thanks for the review and congrats on your win!

Anonymous said...

Well just aren't you lucky! Congrats on a win. :-)

Kathy said...

Awesome! I put hand cream on a zillion times a day and my hands are still dry most of the time. I work with paper at my job and that is very drying to your hands as well.

Tolentreasures said...

Congrats on your win! Great product review. I am going to have to look for that.


Busy Bee Suz said...

What a nice surprise for you!!!

Willoughby said...

What a great prize! I have terribly dry skin. I've tried many different lotions, but never Skin MD. I'll have to look for it.

Cathryn said...

Nice surprise! I love surprises, don't you? I'll have to check out this product.

Anonymous said...

I heard skinMD is pretty nice!! Glad it puts a smile on your face.

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