Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Say a Little Prayer

My mom is in the hospital.  Remember how independent she is?
She went in yesterday and didn't call me until this evening. 
She feels like she doesn't want to bother anyone. 
Here she is on her 89th birthday with her new flat screen her little townhouse.
She has had several heart procedures and we pray that she is strong enough
to get better and return to her home again soon.


Suzanne said...

Oh, you guys have had a tough week. I will say a prayer for your mother and for you too. I hope she recovers quickly. Our moms are very much alike. My mother has been sick since I left California and I'm worried about her too. I'll hold good thoughts for yours and mine.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Sending up prayers and good thoughts to her.
How independent she is....what a gem.
Hugs to you all.

Farm Field Primitives said...

I will be praying for her and your family as well. Take care!!

Anonymous said...

Sending you many, many prayers dear friend.

Pat said...

Will keep your Mom in my prayers and sending wishes your way for her quick recovery.
Warmest Regards,

Unknown said...

Hi Natalie,
I'll be praying your mom gets better soon and can get back to her home. Take care!


Brenda said...

My thoughts and prayers are with your mother and your family!!


Willoughby said...

Your mom and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

BittersweetPunkin said...

I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers for sure!


jodi said...

Sending prayers and hugs your way. Hope that she is better soon.

Oklahoma Granny said...

Your mom and your family have been added to my prayer list.

Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

Praying that your Mom is feeling much better soon!!

Kathy said...

You are all in my thoughts and I am sending positive thoughts your way!

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