Sunday, April 25, 2010

The American Dream...Prom

Mario and Line
A girl must start her day early...

...Get out to the Mall for important appointments.




Then home for a little lunch...

The man's tie must be perfect.

Finally...the tie looks good!

They're off to their next destination...Dinner at "The Flame"...
The Grand March...
The Dance...
Post Prom Activities.
Prom...some say it's over rated...
I'd say it's
A Night to Remember!


Linda@Coastal Charm said...

I agree...what a wonderful night to remember...cute couple!


Busy Bee Suz said...

How wonderful. They all look so sweet...
we had prom last night too. I am wore out, and I did not even go!

jodi said...

So pretty. I love her hair,nails, makeup, dress . . .Her parents must love these pictures.

Oklahoma Granny said...

Prom is next weekend here and there's a chance of rain.

Everyone looks amazing! Hope they had a wonderful time.

pam said...

Oh, I remember getting my girls ready for prom! What fun! Love the dress, the hair, the nails, everything!

marie said...

What an exciting time for them! Line's dress is beautiful. So different ~ the fabric pattern is fabulous!!

Ramblin Mama said...

The prom in our family is still a couple weeks away but the frenzy of preps and planning has begun. These are memories to treasure forever. I still remember mine and that's been a long, long time!!

sweetiepie said...

How cute they look together!! Line's dress is beautiful.

Take care.

Leaon Mary said...

Just reading this and looking through the pictures had me smiling ear to ear. The girls dresses were beautiful and those nails- wow!
I've never had a manicure in my life and always admire pretty nails.
Thankyou for sharing your kidlets with us! And did I just read it's someone's birthday?????????????

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