Saturday, April 24, 2010

So Glad it's Saturday~The Week in Review

It was nice enough for mom and I to sit outside last Sunday...
finding a place out of the chilly breeze.
There is a salon on site so she was able to get a
and set...
The Heartland Care Center has two vans that provide transportation for their residents.  This week, they took Mom on the 90 mile trip to Grand Forks and back for her post-op appointment.  By the way, she received a good report from her surgeon, Dr. Hape.

The building on the far right is the Heartland Therapy Center.  It is attached to the Home by a walkway.  Just yesterday, she was granted the 'Independence' to get up and walk to the bathroom on her own.
This is fantastic news!
And me?  I have enjoyed the mild spring weather and sitting on our deck after school...
to read the newspaper and my snail mail.  The trees are just starting to bud.
Hubby has taken over the dinner duties.  He has either cooked or taken me out to eat!  If you don't own one of these 'Beer Butt' Chicken gadgets, you must get one for yourself.
He uses only the two outside burners to provide a more indirect heat.

Any type of beer, broth or apple juice can be used...but since Hubby brews his own beer, this chicken is extra special!
Sooo moist and favorful!
This was midterm and Parent / Teacher conference week...
so that was all consuming for me.
(And for Callie, too, I guess!)


Bette said...

So glad to hear your Mom is getting better.
That chicken looks so good.

Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

So glad to hear your Mom is doing better! Your hubby looks like a good chef :)

Have a wonderful weekend!

Unknown said...

You had a busy week! I'm so glad to hear your mom is well taken care of and that she got a good report! Your hubby is a gem to cook or take you out. He knows how much you've been through lately and how busy you have been. He's quite a guy. Take care and enjoy the weekend!


Anonymous said...

Love how Callie likes to try to fit in small boxes just like Bella. Hopefully they will be friends next semester.

pam said...

Great news on your mom.

I've always wanted to try one of those chicken thingys.

Kathy said...

So wonderful to hear that mom is doing well. Love the pictures too. I'm a vegetarian but my hubby would LOVE that chicken!

Oklahoma Granny said...

Great to hear the good news about your mom. That chicken looks so good!

marie said...

How wonderful to hear that your Mom is feeling better.
That chicken sure looks yummy!!

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