Monday, April 12, 2010

I Love Having a Maid & If Callie had a Baby

When I was growing up, I made my bed everyday...
We all was just part of the everyday morning routine...
Get up...Brush your teeth...Get Dressed...Make your bed...
It was an expectation.  If I didn't make my bed, I was in 'trouble'...
Perhaps that explains my appreciation for this...
After spending hours at the hospital, I love walking in to this...
And this...

If all goes as planned, Mom will transfer to the Heartland Care in Devils Lake today. 
It will be a good placement for her, as they will encourage activities during the day. 
They will administer her medications, 
offer nutritious meals,
and provide physical and occupational therapy.
So...I'm heading over to the hospital early today, to meet with the doctor and social worker.
During mom's 3 week hospital stay, she has received good care and plenty of rest.
After a 3-4 hour shift, this patient's family needs to get away for fresh air and a walk.
The Columbia Mall is a good diversion.
The Pet Store is a popular place to window shop.
And...look who was there yesterday...
I think if our Callie had a baby,
She would look just like this!


Busy Bee Suz said...

I am so happy that your Mom is moving to a different enviroment!!!
I also appreicate maid servcie, but I have to say, I don't make my bed everyday. My parents never made me either. My kids only make their bed when we have company...yup, we are bad.
That kitten is YUMMY!!!

Anonymous said...

I too made my bed and made sure things were clean as if we didn't we got double clean up when we got home .
I am sorry to hear of the hospitalization of your mother . It is never easy and I know someday we will all be faced with a facility of some sort .
I told my children I would run away , before they could put me in one , but as I grow older , I understand more of what our children will have to deal with .
I do not want to live with any of my children as I never want to burden them . So a facility is the best option , as they are clean , and have professional people who care .
It is a hard subject , but I believe that , it is best that way .
It takes alot out of you dealing with this . Big Hugs to you Natalie , as I know this is not easy for you .

Suzanne said...

I'm happy to hear that your mother is doing well enough to be moved to a more active facility. That little baby is adorable. My husband makes our bed every day. It's one thing I love about him!

Angie Berry ~ Berry Homespun Primitives said...

Hi Natalie! You became a follower of my blog so I had to hop over here to yours and meet you! =]

Looks like a lovely place for your mom to be and somewhere you know they will take good care of her it sounds like.

The kitty is so adorable!

chellebelle said...

I know that when my Grandma Alice went into a care facility she was so scared, and the very first day she was so happy! She was a social creature by nature and it was full of things for her to do and people her age to visit with. I am glad that your mom is getting ready to more away from the hospital, wonderful as the staff can be, it is stressful to be there.. the kitty is just darling too!

Kathy said...

Glad mom is progressing and that kitten.....too cute. I want a kitty so bad....

Oklahoma Granny said...

Sounds like your mom is making progress. Sometimes I think I'd like to have a maid but other times I think I'd be so stressed about someone else seeing my messes I'd be cleaning like crazy before the maid got there. I know that sounds crazy but that's just the way I am. I make our bed every morning Mon-Wed. My husband makes it on Thurs, Fri and Sun. Saturday is a toss up as to who does it but it has to get made.

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