Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I'm Tired of Being the Grown Up

First the hospital decisions...
Now the Nursing Home...
I am ready to go home where
my biggest decision might be what to make for dinner tonight!


Oklahoma Granny said...

I'm sure it's a real challenge navigating through all the decisions there are to make. You'll do it though. You're one smart cookie.

Willoughby said...

That does sound challenging. Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Nat....your in for a ride I'm afraid. Blessings

Chatty Crone said...

I went through that in 2002. It is an awful burden - I think a lot of us are going to have to go thru eventually. I'll say an extra prayer for you and your mom. Hang in there.


chellebelle said...

I'm so sorry.. I was just thinking the same thing today.. but your grown up trumps mine.

Unknown said...

It's hard, I'm sure. You've been thru a lot lately. Hang in there!


sweetiepie said...

Natalie, sorry to hear you have to be the one to make the tough decisions. I will keep you, your mom and your family in my thoughts and prayer. I pray your mom makes a speedy recovery and is better and stronger than ever.

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