Monday, April 5, 2010

Return to SCCU and a Secret Admirer

Yesterday, mom experienced a set-back in her recovery.  She started running a fever after they have transferred her back to the surgical critical care unit in order to perform the necessary tests and monitor her more closely.  Early this morning, I spoke with her overnight nurse to learn that they have brought her fever, heartrate and blood pressure under control and she had a good rest.
On Friday, she received these pretty spring flowers and cheerful balloon...with no card attached.  She would like send proper thanks for this sweet gesture, but it still remains a mystery.  So, family and friends...if these are from any of's time to confess.
Our guess...was her gentleman friend, Ken...
but no...he is denying it.

Secret Admirer...Whomever you are...
Thank You!


Busy Bee Suz said...

I am sorry she had a setback...but has made a comeback AGAIN!!!
Beautiful flowers...I wish I could say they are from me!!

jdavissquared said...

sorry to hear of the setback, but glad she's doing better! Hope you had a wonderful Easter.

chellebelle said...

I'm also sorry about the set back, My thoughts and prayers are with you. Pretty flowers.. definately blog worthy...

Kathy said...

Oh that is so sweet and I'm glad she is doing better again. Such a difficult road. I'm thinking about you all.

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