Monday, April 5, 2010

So, If You Think You're Tired of Reading Updates On My Mom...

Just think about how she feels...
...In her words...
"I am weary"
She went to the hospital on Tuesday...two weeks ago.
Tonight she was moved out of the Surgical Critical Care unit back to a regular room...again.
This is her seventh hospital room in 14 days.

I do trust that they have made the best decisions regarding her care.

We have returned home for now.  I have spent 11 days at the Altru in Grand Forks.  That is where I wanted and needed to be.  But reality calls.  Since mom is receiving good care, I must return to my classroom...and Scott to his office. 
With our cell phone society...we can be reached any time of the day or night.

The cats appear to have forgotten who I am...the lady that gets up early and makes sure they have breakfast in a timely manner.

Do you think my students will look at me in a similar fashion tomorrow?
" look familiar...
...oh, yeah...we remember you"

Mom was transferred to a regular hospital room again this evening. 
She was better when we left at noon today. 
The CT Scan (she had two this afternoon) indicates that she is healing...
The test results are still out...nothing certain of what caused the fever.
The doctors do not seem overly concerned.
She is allowed a regular diet, but does not seem to have much of an appetite.
Please continue to keep her in your prayers.


jdavissquared said...

you all must be exhausted. i will keep you all in my prayers. hang in there.

chellebelle said...

not tired of it at all. I am just sorry that you do not have a day in between for you to get your feet under you again before heading back to the classroom.. may tomorrow be peaceful for you, and if that isn't the case, may I recommend taking a spray bottle full of water to the classroom and spraying whomever causes you grief... GREAT therapy, and free!!

Ramblin Mama said...

I'm glad to hear she seems to be improving a bit. I know it was hard for you to leave her and go back to your routine. We've been in similar circumstances so many times in recent years. Please take care of yourself and get rest when you can. Oh, and keep us posted. We do care.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Being in that enviroment is going to make her weary. I am sure that when she gets home (and some fresh air) that she will perk up.
Prayers for your family.

Tolentreasures said...

So glad to hear that she is back in a regular room. Our experience for the winter was similar with my mil in six facilities in seven weeks. How frustrating and how confusing it all is. Doctors contradict one another and who knows what the right decisions are. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Oklahoma Granny said...

So glad to hear your mom is in a regular room again. I continue to keep her and your family in my prayers.

Kathleen J. said...

Not tired at all. We are just reading but you are living it. Keep recording what you need to here and remember you have a world of readers praying for your family every day.

Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

{{{Natalie}}} I am sure you are weary too. Continuing to pray for you and your mom!

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