Sunday, May 2, 2010

Update on Mom: Some Ups & Downs...but All-Around Good News

This week's report from the Heartland Care was good.  Mom walks behind her wheelchair and moves about in her room independently.   She plays Bingo and has won...twice.  We got there Friday evening by 7:45...and even tho' she was ready for bed, she was game to give Scott a tour of the Home.  A favorite for many residents is the Old Fashioned Soda Shoppe
We had permission to take Mom for a ride to look at all the water around Devils Lake and Churchs Ferry.  The water levels are at a new record high.  Many roads in Ramsey and Benson counties are closed.

This is where we lived until I was 14 years old. 
(And, no...despite rumors...
the house is not haunted and nothing tragic happened there.
...and, Mom has a sharp memory!)
But...look closely,
The Coulee has overgrown its banks and completely surrounds the house.
See the large window on the first floor there...that was my bedroom.
Mom and I have many fond memories here.
This is the road leading to the driveway from the East...
the water level is so high that not only the road, but the bridge is also under water.
(I took a lot of water pictures and will share more on another day.)
We were out for only 3 hours.  Mom was thirsty, cold, and tired after our trip.
She had a rest in the afternoon.
Right before dinner, she lost her balance and fell in the bathroom.
That's right...she fell. 
She did bump her head on the wall, but it could have been much worse.
No bones were broken.  The nurses are going to monitor her closely.
She also had a fever, so she had her dinner tray brought to her room.
I called when we got home to learn that her temperature was back to normal and she was resting well.
I hope this is just a minor set-back and she is back to making progress again by tomorrow.


Busy Bee Suz said...

So glad you were able to visit with Mom and let her get out some.
Sorry to hear about the fall...I do hope that does not happen again.

Your childhood home is amazing!!!
Take care, Suz

dee begg said...


Glad to hear you were able to spend some time remembering with your mom. Sorry to hear about her fall though...hope she back to making progress in her recovery.


jodi said...

Sorry to hear that your mom fell but glad that the result was just a bump.

The house looks haunted :-) and nice. Lots of water everywhere this spring it seems.

Suzanne said...

Your childhood home is beautiful, but all that water is pretty scary. Hope your mother continues to recover and that her little nogin heals quickly.

sweetiepie said...

I am so happy to hear you got to take your mom out for a short time to a place that was near and dear to both of you.

It sounds like your mom is doing well despite the mishap in the bathroom. I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers that she has a speedy recovery and will be back in her own home before you know it.

Take care, Natalie.

Kathy said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful time. Hope all stays well.

Anonymous said...

Natalie, this is my first comment so don't know if it will work. I am enjoying your blog; the pictures are great. You are very clever indeed. Hello to Aunt Ruth; I hope she feels stronger every day.. Love you both, Karen (Sletten) Allen

Lori said...

oh dear!! So glad your mom didn't hurt anything when she fell! And it's water water everywhere--sigh.

Jan said...

You seem like such a devoted daughter. I admire you for caring for your mother. i only hope that my children will care for me some day. Blessings to you. Janice

Angie Berry ~ Berry Homespun Primitives said...

I'm glad you were able to take your mom out for awhile. How nice of her to relive some good memories with you. Your childhood home is awesome! So sad that it is surrounded by water. Makes you wonder if there is starting to be water damage inside the house. I hope not, that is a beautiful home.

Glad your mom's temp is back to normal and she is resting.

Debilou ~ Mississippi Mama said...

So glad to hear your mom is doing well,, and that she didnt hurt anything in her fall.

Lori said...

So glad to hear your mom is doing well. I work as a nursing assistant (for 19 years) and work in a local nursing home so I'm familiar with life of a resident. I'm so glad that you're involved in her care and seeing to her needs. Some families don't. God Bless You!

Maria said...

Hi Natalie, Just poking around your blog. I read everything about your mom. I'll keep her in my prayers for sure.

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