Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My Mother's Scent

You all know what I'm talking about...It's that special way your mom smells.
You don't really notice it until they are no longer there...like when mom comes for a visit,
The guest room smell like her perfume for several hours after she goes home.

When she was in the Altru Hosptial in Grand Forks...she was so very ill.
One evening after our daughter and I had hugged her Good Night,
Emily said, "You know, she didn't really smell like Grammy tonight."
Later we found our that her NG tube had worked its way out of place
and was in her lung.
It's no wonder...

When she moved to the Heartland Care Center in Devils Lake,
I was able to stay in her apartment.
Even after being away for 5 weeks, when I unlocked the door...
I could smell my mom's perfume.

I've stayed there several times now...
and her scent has faded.  I guess it smells more like me?
I brew coffee...
I have my own personal care products...
I clean with products that I brought from home...

I brought her home yesterday.
She has her own four wheel walker...that she refers to as her buggy.
We are washing her clothes and cooking the food she likes.
She will be using her personal care products.

My Mother's Scent has returned.


Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

So glad you were able to bring your Mom home!

Oklahoma Granny said...

So glad your mom and her scent have returned!

Carey's Farmhouse Kitchen said...

I know exactly what you mean. I have some of my mom's old clothes and I refuse to wash them for that reason. Enjoy it for as long as you can!


Cathryn said...

It wasn't my mother, but my gramma's scent that I miss. My mother and my aunt gave me some of her clothes after she passed and they smelled so much like her. The first night after I received them, I cried. I missed her so much. After 10 years, the shirts no longer carry her smell, but I have them. I even have a bottle of her perfume that she loved best for those special "needing my Gramma" times.

I understand completely.

Glad your mother is home again.

Suzanne said...

This post really touched me. So sweet and personal. Thanks for sharing it with us. It makes us appreciate the things we have more.

Kathy said...

That is so very true and so very wonderful!

Lori said...

I know EXACTLY what you're talking about.

sweetiepie said...

Natalie, I am so happy to hear your mom is home. I am sure her recovery will go even fast now.

Will you be staying with her for a while?

Take care.

dee begg said...


What a sweet memory to share with us. Glad that your mom is home and hopefully she will be back to her former self soon.

marie said...

This is such a sweet post! Welcome home to all!

Happy anniversary too!

sanjeet said...

So glad your mom and her scent have returned!
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Bette said...

So nice to see your Mother looking so much better. She is an inspiration and you are a wonderful daughter.

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