Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What to Do...What to Do...What to Do...

Mom's deck is finished...
Here is Millie, sitting there, enjoying the beautiful North Dakota weather.
Millie came to stay with me on Saturday...
I found her at a rummage sale, in need of a good home.
I asked Mom if she thought Millie was cute...
She said, "Not especially!"
Maybe that is why they were practically giving her away.
So...remember our situation?
Mom was discharged from the Heartland Care, with the recommendation to move to an Assisted Living Facility...or to go home with much outside assistance. 
There was a few months' waiting list for assisted living
( so we thought)...
So we have been working hard to implement Plan B.
Just an hour ago, I recieved a call from the Odd Fellows Home...
There is an opening.
Yes, the waiting list went much faster than we all thought...
Now what?


Unknown said...

Let the good Lord guide you. This is not an easy time for the both of you. Love you new doll, and I think she is lovely!

Turley Times said...

Awww, I like Millie! You can always count on moms and grandmas to be honest. :) That is amazing that there is an opening already...I hope the decision making is a relatively stress-free process for you as you contemplate the "what nexts" in life.


Oklahoma Granny said...

I truly believe God is working in your lives and He will guide you in making any decisions.

Millie captured my heart as soon as I saw her picture and before I started reading about her. Makes me think of the old adage "Pretty is as pretty does." I'm fairly sure if Miss Millie was a real person she would have a heart of gold.

Kathy said...

Always tough decisions....Good luck.

Busy Bee Suz said...

That post below is so sweet Natalie.
Gosh, I don't know what I would do now...perhaps let your Mom give you direction from here. Is she happy to be home? Do you think she will fare well when you are back home?

Lori in South Dakota said...

Oh dear. I'm no help. I hope your mother helps your decision one way or another. Laughed at your mom--Millie's not that cute! Oh, I think she looks great sitting on the deck.

Anonymous said...

I think Millie is adorable, God will guide you, you will know.!

Suzanne said...

I can relate to Millie at the moment. I think Millie needs a couple of hours at the spa -- just like me. If I lived next door to you, I would treat you to a little time at the spa too. These are such difficult decisions, but I'm sure you'll be guided as to what is best. Take care.

Willoughby said...

I've been away for a while, so I'm not sure what's been going on with your mom, but it sounds like she's doing better. That's wonderful! I wish I could offer some help with your decision....

I like Millie! I think she's charming!

chellebelle said...

Millie is perfect! love her.. As to the assisted living, if it's right, it's easy, why not visit the place with your mom, find out how she feels while she's there, visit with the people living there, just like you would look at any other home before you move in. God will guide you both. Working on plan B does not mean that plan A was wrong, just on hold. ya'know?

jodi said...

My husband went back to look at an assisted living place today. His goal is to have his parents move in on a trial basis. If they don't like it they can move back home. (The attitude is not right yet for this to happen though). But is it something that your mother could do?

sanjeet said...

think she is lovely!
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Cathryn said...

Well...when one door opens, it opens wide huh? I hope the path to your decision is smooth and weedfree!

Maggey and Jim said...

I love that doll , she is so sweet. I have my Mother living with us for 30 years..She is doing well, takes care of herself,does dishes,her laundry,her memory is real bad..the short term.She is 91 and I know how it is with the scent thing. Sometimes I get mad at myself for being so impatient but it gets to you sometimes. Just take each day as it comes..

Jennifer Dixon said...

I think Millie is cute, and I really like her dress! I'm sorry about what you are going through with your mom. That is a very difficult thing. Your home and deck/yard look like a very serene and happy place to be. We all go through stressful times in our lives at some point and it is better to share it than to hold it in. Hang in there! :)

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