Sunday, September 12, 2010

Where the Weekend Went

It was a beautiful weekend here at home.
We got some work done...and enjoyed some relaxation.
Who can guess where we all went on Saturday morning?
And who would like to guess how much our cats weigh?

Lucy tried to bite the vet...
But both cats passed inspection...teeth, ears...
They got shots and we were on our way.

Hubby and I are preparing our application for our local arts festival.
We want to do something differently with our display stands so we spent Saturday morning stopping at garage sales and thrift shops...
I am always drawn to the wool garments...
We found these two men's sportcoats.
Yes, we bought them for $1.00 each.
Can you see Teddy Bears?
How about these socks...
Can you see snowman hats?
Vintage hymnal, tin cup and jewelry.
We had a lot of fun...
but didn't solve our display stands issue.
More on that later.

We were invited out to the lake for the evening.
We had delicious Burgers...
Sirloin, Carmelized Onions and Havarti Cheese.
Mike prepared the boat for an outing.
Dawn 'reeled' us out...
It was a perfect evening to be at the lake with friends.

We hope you all feel refreshed after the weekend
and are ready to face another work week.

Take care,


Candles by Nature said...

Looks like a perfect weekend! Thanks for checking out my blog, I'm a new follower :)

chellebelle said...

Gosh, thank you.. I am getting ready to face a week I already know will be challanging.. and this was so beautiful that it reminds me that the job is just that, and the fact that my floor is clean to start the week out, is as important as the job.. (or more so..)

The Rusty Thimble said...

Good Morning Natalie, sounds like you had a great weekend, love the view at the lake I live on at a Lake and my favorite evening thing to do is to drive to the water and watch the sunsets. so how much do those cats weigh LOL..they must be very loved. Have a great week.

dee begg said...


Lovely sunset. Thanks for sharing with us. The burgers sound yummy. So do the kitties have to diet?


Maggey and Jim said...

I know those cats can get BIG. Looks like a beautiful calm and serene.. Have a really good week.

Oklahoma Granny said...

A beautiful weekend indeed. Love the pictures of the fire. So warm and cozy.

Busy Bee Suz said...

What a great weekend. I love that you use OLD stuff to make NEW stuff.
So crafty.
So, are you implying that your cats might be overweight?? :)

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