Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Spring Blooms

Many of my blog friends are posting pictures of their new spring growth.
My good blog friend, Pam at Sidewalk Shoes has a Garden link-up Party Going on...
My good blog friend, Susan at Keepsake Corner 
is celebrating this new garden growth.
And my good blog friend, Jodi, of Life on Two Acres, 
has her furry friends patrolling her garden...

Would you like to see my front yard?
There's our house...can you see hubby's pick-up?
And Emily's little car in the driveway??
This is our sidewalk looking west...
This is our street looking east...

Thank you, my friends, for giving us hope for spring!

Take care,


Suzanne said...

We don't have snow, but everything here is deep in hibernation. Grass - brown. Trees - bare. Flowers - nill.

Pat said...

Wow...can't believe you still have so much snow. I just saw on the morning news that Friday the highs here will be in the 70's. Hope the temps start to warm up soon in your neck of the woods.

pam said...

I'm so sorry. I suppose I shouldn't tell you that it's going to be 79 degrees here on Friday!!!

Willoughby said...

Our street looked like that until just a few days ago. We got some sun, some rain and the temp has been in the low to mid 40's. We can finally see grass, although the huge mounds of snow created by the snowblower haven't budged. I guess you and I will appreciate spring that much more when it gets here!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Oh my.....condolences to you Natalie.

Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

LOL! I am right there with you Natalie! When I first came to your blog I thought, "No way, that's cant' be her spring growth!" Now I am not feeling so bad :0) Hang in there ours will be gone soon too!!

Deanna said...

Good grief, you still have quite a bit of snow! Our grass here in SA is still brown but patches of green are coming up. I have one little pink rose on my crazy rose bush..I call it crazy because I can't get in here to trim it back!

The only good thing I can say about your snow is that with all of that water melting, your grass will probably be emerald by next month...lol!

Deanna :D

Old Time Cindy said...

Sorry! I prefer 'no snow' and today here in KY, the temp reached 77 degrees.

Wishing you a warm up,

Poussy Stitches My Love said...

I love your dogs !
smalls kisses my friend


Oh my goodness, is it still that high? Gracious Natalie no wonder you are excitedly waiting to see ground!

jodi said...

Thanks for asking about the photo and yes, you can use mine anytime. The dogs are still muddy, the stinkbugs are flying in and I saw the first hornet of the year yesterday.

It was a Warm Welcome Home from our Furry Friends

Mazzie says, “You’ve got some explaining to do… We have not seen you for two weeks!!” Yes, we were gone for two weeks… We spent 8 full days ...