Saturday, June 4, 2011

A Day with a Friend is Time Well Spent...

We don't have many visitors here.
There is no interstate highway...we are not 'on the way' to someplace else...
And this is certainly not a destination vacation!
So, when my college friend, Debra, called to say she was going to be in town and wanted to get together, I was more than just a little excited!
It was a beautiful day to sit outside and catch up on 'old' times...
and to talk about 'what's new?' too.
The time went so quickly...
I enjoyed every precious minute of our visit.

Thank you, my dear friend.

Take care,


jennifer768 said...

How fun ! SO glad that you and your friend could get together .Great pic of the both of you.Your deck and flowers are just gorgeous. Have a great evening ,Jen

M said...

How sweet! Beautiful yard and friendship!

It looks more like spring there than it does here! .68 inches of rain by 10 a.m!

Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

What a nice surprise Natalie! I am so glad you got to spend some time with a good friend :)

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