Friday, June 3, 2011

Where Bloggers Create 2011

Announcing the 3rd Annual Where Blogger Create Party.
Karen, at my Dessert Cottage is our lovely hostess 
and has all the party details outlined on her blog.

Last year, over 300 artists participated in the party...
inviting us into their shops and their studios.
It was inspiring, to say the least.

Now I am off...
Only 6 weeks to get things in order!

Take care,

1 comment:

The Vintage Vagablonde said...

Thank U for visiting my new blog. I grew up in Grand Forks N. Dakota.
I remember the flooding.....the COLD....but I have wonderful Child~hood memories.

I lived in SUNNY CA.....since I was 13....and I think I m a bit spoiled but I do miss the 4 seasons!

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