Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Flag Day and Happy Birthday to my Blog

In the United StatesFlag Day is celebrated on June 14. It commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States, which happened that day by resolution of the Second Continental Congress in 1777.
(credit for poster image and information goes to Wikipedia)

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
The week of June 14 is designated as "National Flag Week." During National Flag Week, the president will issue a proclamation urging U.S. citizens to fly the American flag for the duration of that week. The flag should also be displayed on all Government buildings. Some organizations hold parades and events in celebration of America's national flag and everything it represents.
Proudly display your flag.

Today, my blog is my is 3 years old.
Here is my first post on June 14, 2008
Good Morning! Today would be my grandmother's birthday. She would have been 115 years old if she was here. Her mind was sharp until the day she died. I would love to spend a day visiting with her about her growing up, teaching in a one room school house and raising a family of 9 children. I wonder how the women of her generation had time to take care of their children, the house, the garden; to prepare all of their meals at home, from scratch; to bake delicious cookies and pies; and still have the energy to crochet bedspreads and create beautiful quilts. These women were amazing!

So, it is fitting that I venture into this world of technology with my own blogspot, on my grandma's birthday. This concept would have been so far beyond her wildest imagination. I have tried to expain what the internet is to my mom,who's 87, and have just touched the surface.

I am contemplating the idea of selling my crafts online. I have looked at hundreds of craft websites, craft directories, craft malls, craft shows, craft communites, etc. over the last week. I am impressed! If anyone has some advice or words of encouragement, I'd be happy to hear from you.
If you have ever scrolled all the way to the bottom of the page, you have seen this photo...
That is my Grandma, Hilda, in the center with her sisters Emma and Hazel.

This photo was taken at our family reunion, with my Grandma surrounded by her 9 children and their spouses, and all of her grandchildren.
And, here's grandma with her grandchildren.
(Can you guess which little girl is me?)
This must have been the clean-up crew after the reunion.
(That's my mom with the mop.)
Doesn't grandma looks happy here?

It was a wonderful day. 
Don't pass up opportunities to spend time with your family.

Take care,

p.s. I have a birthday give-away planned...
but since this post is so long, it will be announced later today.


Sabrina @Falling Leaf Woodworkers and Primitives said...

Happy 3 year blog Birthday to you, your first post was a good one.

Oklahoma Granny said...

I just commented on another blog that I always get goosebumps when I see Old Glory dancing in the wind.

Happy blogiversary!

The Rusty Thimble said...

Happy Blog birthday Natalie and Happy birthday to your grandma even though she is not with you anymore it should still be a day to celebrate. Women were amazing I remember my grandmother always telling me about all of her children and she did it all because kids back then helped all the time. My mother helped with her baby siblings etc. I love family history and hearing about those days.

Suzanne said...

Happy Birthday to your blog. I've enjoyed your posts so much!

jennifer768 said...

Happy Blog Birthday Natalie and Happy Birthday to your grandma ! She sounds like she was a great lady .I so enjoyed reading your first blog post.Hugs,Jen

Marguerite (Tina) Smith Hart said...

Happy Blog Birthday Natalie!!!
I love the family photos and how special it must have been for your grandmother to be surrounded by all her family, wow!
Have a great evening and here's to another 3 years...at least!
Tina xo

jdavissquared said...

Awe, happy blog birthday! Your grandma sounds like a pretty amazing lady.

Ramblin Mama said...

Happy, happy birthday to your blog. I look forward to reading each of your posts so I'm really glad you started this great adventure back then. Here's to many, many more posts...

Lori said...

Happy Blog Birthday Natalie! A conversation with our grandmothers--wouldn't we all love that! My grandmother would be 106.

Happy Happy Birthday, Emily

Today we celebrate the Birthday of our second born daughter, the baby that that made our family complete. A happy little girl, Smart and a l...