Friday, June 10, 2011

TGIF or OMGIF ~ Where the Week Went

It's funny...when you're a teacher...
from August through May, you say
"TGIF, it's finally Friday..."
But in June and July, you say,
"OMG, it's not Friday already, is it?"

So...where does the time go?
A beautiful evening calls for an impromptu gathering with friends.
What do you think we were all looking at?

Our college graduates are at the "in-between stage" of their lives.
Job hunting, interviewing, making decisions, packing, moving, 
studying, preparing for the big tests, making more decisions...
This one lives at home, for now,
so I am enjoying her company.

We visited the Animal Clinic...
...this kitty needs a good home.
Her name is Ivy.
(email me if you'd like to adopt her)
We attended the dance a former graduate of the studio, Emily was honored to serve as an usher...
And Miss Vicki? She looks the same as the day I met her 22 years ago, when Amy started to dance.

And together, we have been cooking some pretty tasty dishes.
For a printer friendly copy of the recipe, click here.

How are you spending your summer?
I hope you all are having a fabulous time.

Take care,


Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

It looks like your summer is off to a great start! I am so glad you get to spend some extra time with your daughter!

Silvia said...

As soon as Summer gets here I will let you know how I am spending
Yours looks lovely though

pam said...

I know! This summer is flying by!

jennifer768 said...

Oh it looks like you are enjoying your summer !It is wonderful that you are getting to spend time with your daughter. Have a great weekend ,Jen

Rachel said...

Sounds like you are having fun! I love the patio in the pics ~ very cool!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I am so happy you have at least ONE of your girls home right now. I know you are loving that. Your party looks great...and the food? YUMMO.
IVY is adorable, I hope she finds a good home.

Ramblin Mama said...

I know what you mean about time rushing by. I have only 2 weeks until hubby retires and invades my space 24/7. I'm savoring these last "My Time" days and they're flying by so quickly. There's so much I wanted to get done before he was underfoot all the time! It's almost like anticipating a new job!

Firecracker Kid said...

Oh, I can imagine the fun y'all had with that little get together.
Ahh, so daughter is a biker too. My daughter is into cycling too. Gotta stay in shape:)
Kitty is so cute and sporting some awesome whiskers:)

Joan's Good Life said...

Your summer looks like such fun! And lucky you to have a daughter still with you! You are SO right about how quickly the summer is flying. I'm feeling the "whoosh" of it as well! ;-)


marie said...

Is that your yard Natalie? I love the stones with the "green" growing in between!
I hope you have a wonderful summer!

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