Monday, June 6, 2011

Happy Anniversay ~ It's our Year of the Pearl

Thirty years ago...our Wedding Day...
It was a beautiful day, with a light shower in the late afternoon.
They say it's good luck if it "rains on the bride".
Our parents...
They look young don't they?
It was Aberdeen's Centennial Year, so my Father-in-Law was wearing a beard.
Since my hubby and his friends had a band, our wedding music was fabulous.
Some contemporary music before the ceremony began...
But, during the ceremony, it was very traditional.
In fact, we used one of the songs from my parent's wedding.
"O Perfect Love"
This was before folks started recording their weddings, so we have no audio sad...
...just sweet memories.
Our pretty little church.
Have I mentioned that I sewed all the dresses?
Yes, I me crazy.
Mine; 3 bridesmaids; 2 candle lighters; and my mother's... 
that's 7 all together.
Our cake was baked and decorated by a family friend.
She made the most delicious cake, ever!
Our reception was held at the church, in the fellowship hall...
We were surrounded by very our most precious friends and family.
But we all's not about the wedding, it's all about the marriage.

An anniversary is a time to celebrate the joys of today,
the memories of yesterday, 
and the hopes of tomorrow.  
~Author Unknown~

Happy 30th Anniversary, Honey.
Take care,


Marguerite (Tina) Smith Hart said...

Happy Anniversary Natalie and husband and many, many more to come! Wow you really are a power-woman to have made all those gorgeous gowns! What great memories you must have though when looking through the photos!
I hope you guys have a wonderful day together....
Tina xo

The Rusty Thimble said...

Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby Natalie, congrats on 30 years or many wonderful memories and wishing you many many more.


jdavissquared said...

Happy Anniversary!

Congrats on 30 years, and here's to many more!

Carol said...

Happy 30th Natalie! I enjoyed seeing your wedding pics!


Chatty Crone said...

Love your wedding pictures - happy anniversary!

Willoughby said...

Happy Anniversary! Your wedding pictures are lovely!

Seven dresses? SEVEN dresses? Oh my, I can't imagine planning a wedding and having to sew seven dresses at the same time! You're amazing, my friend!

Oklahoma Granny said...

Happy Anniversary to you and your husband! We celebrated our "land" anniversary just yesterday.

Rachel said...

Awww... Happy Anniversary to you guys!

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary Natalie!!

Sabrina @Falling Leaf Woodworkers and Primitives said...

Happy 30th Anniversary. it looked like a beautiful wedding.

Kit said...

Oh what great photos. And congrats on 30 years. I am so amazed that you made all the dresses. They are so beautiful. Kit

Brenda said...

Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby!! Congrats!! Great pictures also!!


Unknown said...

Congrats! Very few can say that they have been married this long!

jodi said...

Happy Anniversary!! Love the dresses. You are very talented.

Barb said...

Fabulous Natalie!!
That is a wonderful thing to celebrate. Many more to come!

Jennifer Dixon said...

Happy anniversary! Congratulations to both of you! :)

M said...

We had #29 on the 29th of May...we spent it traveling to Utah so we could attend my nephew's wedding...on our day :)
Happy Monday!

jennifer768 said...

Happy Anniversary !Congrats on 30 years that is an accomplishment ! May you many more years together .Loved seeing your beautiful wedding pics. Hugs,Jen

Busy Bee Suz said...

Happy anniversary to you both!!!
I can't believe you made ALL the dresses...YOU are amazing!!!! You are a beautiful happy.
Well, it sprinkled on our wedding day too...GOOD luck right???
Have a great day Natalie.

Ramblin Mama said...

Happy Anniversary! Your wedding hat brought a smile to my face. I think I owned one in every color by the time we reached the late 70s. they were definitely popular headwear for the wedding parties back then!

Firecracker Kid said...

Aww, Natalie, Happy belated Anniversary luv:) I know you all had a wonderful time. Your wedding was beautiful and you have sure made a lot of wonderful memories over these 30 years, with time to make a lot more:)

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