Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Monday Mail Call ~ Secret Sister Swap

My Secret Sister...
Remember my May Package?
She sent this sweet angel to watch over me??
Well, I had taken Emily to the airport in Fargo, and on the way home it was so windy that I saw not just one, but two semi trucks tipped over on their side...
There were white caps on the water that was beside the road.
Needless to say, I was tense when I got home!
But there on the counter...a package from my Secret Sister.
She sends sweet handwritten notes.
Handmade cloth napkins...
for summer!
A perfect place, right here in my kitchen with vintage utensils.
And a perfectly prim bonnet...
(more about this later)
Thank you, my Secret Sister.

You know how to make my day!!
Take care,

Please visit Cindy at My Romantic Home 


prims by olde lady morgan said...

Natalie, WOW! This weather is just something everywhere....
But what wonderful timing on a much needed package! OLM

Traci~Moon Gypsy said...

Hi Natalie... So glad you made it home safe and sound. Great goodies you received from your Secret Sister...

Safe Keepings,

jennifer768 said...

Love your secret sister swap goodies! Thankful that you made it safely home. Hugs,Jen

Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

The weather is so unpredictable lately you never know what's going to happen. Glad to hear you got home safe.
Cute goodies you received.
Prim Blessings

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