Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday Mania...Sewing Studio DeStash continued...

In case you haven't heard...we are having a mild winter here in the Dakotas. now...I have posted about snowstorms and subzero temperatures.
But we have nothing to complain about this year...


Also...did I mention that I have more sewing supplies that I can possibly use in the remainder of my lifetime?
This was the mess of thread that I had stashed away...

And now, this evening, it is organized by color, into these storage trays.

The extras are listed for sale in my Notions Shop on Etsy.

While I was organizing my thread,
Hubby was making our dinner...
He roasted a whole chicken on the grill...
It is sooo moist and delicious.

Accompanied with wild rice and salad...
it was a perfect ending to our day.

How was your Monday?

Take care,


Anonymous said...

Natalie, doesn't it feel good to get organized? Boy, you sure have alot of thread. All that should keep you busy sewing for awhile. Love the clear containers, makes it easy to see what is there.
Happy organizing
Country at heart

Pat said...

Keep reading about how people are getting organized and I think I need to take a week in my studio (and probably a dumpster placed under the window) to declutter.

Love the photo of the sky...Everytime I see those colors as the sun goes down, I think of my Grandmother who called it sky blue pink.

Barb said...

Hi Natalie,
We too are having no winter...makes me nervous come summer. Will we be freezing then?
I am with you on the destashing.
Had to finally list some of it on Etsy. I too am being over run.
Good luck,

Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

That is a lot of thread! Even with all I am sure there are times when you just don't have the "right" color.

We are having a very mild winter too! I hope it all doesn't show up in April...

M said...

WoW! I met someone who has as much thread as I do! Chicken looks great...and if you are lonely for cold weather you are welcome to the frigid front that blew in here last night :)

Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

Holy Cats ~ you have a lot of thread!!! Isn't it nice when things are organized??? My organization only lasts for a short time and then it starts to look like it did when I first started.LOL
The chicken looks yummy!
Prim Blessings

Angie Berry ~ Berry Homespun Primitives said...

Wow girl, now that's a load of thread! I like how nicely organized it is.

The chicken looks yummy! What a sweet man to cook so you can play in your thread. =]

Have a wonderful week my friend~

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