Sunday, January 22, 2012

My Studio DeStash...

I have more sewing and crafting supplies that I can possible use in my lifetime...
and I just really need to do something about it!

I can just imagine our daughters, as they sort through my belongings some day...
"why did mom have so much stuff?" they will ask.

Well, I have been creating all of my life.
I started sewing with the sewing machine when I was 10.
That's over 45 years of purchasing fabric and notions!

Not to mention, I worked at Northwest Fabrics from 1978 to 1985.
And, when they had a sale...they. had. a. sale!

Some of you remember a year and a half ago,
I moved my mom from her little townhouse to the assisted living center.
Her sewing supplies are here now too.

She had many things in here drawers that were
"too pretty to use"
Like this...
"too pretty to use"

So I organized...measured...took photos...
and listed the laces and ribbons in my

(I had to tell Lucy that Etsy does not have a category to list cats.)

So, if you are needing some lace, or ribbon, or beads, or patterns,

The next box to tackle involves tapes, braids, and rick rack...

Have a Creative Week, everyone.

Take care,


Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

All of those are so pretty, I bet they won't last long!!

Willoughby said...

Everything is so pretty! I wish I were working on a sewing project so I would have an excuse to add some to my collection!

Angie Berry ~ Berry Homespun Primitives said...

Oh my goodness, girl! That is quite a stash! But I know what you mean... I worked at Hobby Lobby for 19 years and I think I hit every sale and clearance. I am in the process of de-stashing too. It's quite a chore! Your pieces are very pretty, I'm sure they will sell quick. Lucy's so cute, lol!

Have a fantastic week~

M said...

Oh my! I cannot go to your Itsy because I have my own stash myself! I took sewing in summer school when I was 10...and have been crafting ans sewing since too...and I finally have half a room to put it all in!

Good luck...that stuff won't last long :)

Firecracker Kid said...

Wow Natalie! Are you sure you can't use that? Pretty stash of laces. I'll rack my brain to see if I can come up with some woodcrafts to use them on. There's got to be something :-)
I've got a few staging photos with cats in them too... lol.

Cave Creek Primitives said...

Uh Oh, this is dangerous..I have a thing for lace, trims, and sewing thingamabobs. I'll have to check this out...

National Love your Pet Day

Yesterday was Love your Pet Day. Isn’t that every day?! I love how they keep me company during my early morning routine. I love how they kee...