Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve ~ Creating Some New Traditions & Keeping our Favorites Alive

Can it be? Christmas Eve is here??
I'm not going to me, it just doesn't feel like Christmas...

Nellie did a great job hanging the ornaments...
but, I don't think she's a fan of our artificial tree!
(In Denmark, they don't have "plastic" trees!!)

This year, we will be missing our darling daughters.
Both are living far away...and both are busy with new career jobs...

I count our blessings, that we have been able to share so many holidays together.
Our family has lived close...North Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota...
and we have been able to gather for lots of occasions!
Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, Independence Day, Birthdays,
Columbus Day, Presidents Day and Spring seems we were always on the road...

...and I have such fond memories!

Thank goodness for Face Time...
We were able to be with Amy, as she opened her gifts.
And today, we hope to Face Time with Emily and Jake...
Perhaps a new tradition for our family?!

We will also be missing my mom, since can no longer travel.
Scott and I celebrated Christmas with her at the Odd Fellows Home...another new tradition.

We like the tradition of lighting the Danish Christmas Candle...

and tonight, we just might have to figure out how to
"Dance Around the Christmas Tree" with the Danish.

Best wishes for a wonderful Christmas,
surrounded by your family and special friends.

Take care,


My Colonial Home said...

Merry Christmas Natalie...such a nice post.
I think it is just wonderful that you get to share the Danish traditions - it makes our world just a wee bit smaller doesn't it?
My husband/family is Danish..his Great-grandparents came here from Denmark.
Our cousin's son and dil/family moved to Denmark 2 years ago (he met and married her in Denmark) ... so we love to hear about the Danish.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Hi Natalie,
I feel this Christmas post is traditions and some old. I know you miss your girls so much as well as your Mom. I hope that you see them in person very soon.
I love that Nellie is learning about our American Christmas, right down to the 'plastic' trees'. LOL!!!
I hope you had a Merry and Bright day. Cheers to a beautiful new year for you and your family. XOXO

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