Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday Mania ~ the last Monday of the Semester

 My Child Development Class...
Students invite parents and their babies to class to discuss parenting...

Hands-on experiences and one-on-one discussions 
are the best vehicles for learning.

We are also fortunate in our school system 
to have the Real Care Baby Curriculum in place.
Taking care of a baby is harder that some might think!

My Personal Development Class...
Developmental Theories...Birth Order...
Why do people behave the way they do?
Lots of valuable discussions...

And Fitness for Life class... 
Discussions, Activities and Food Preparation.
Let's focus on Making Better Choices!

I seldom use my sick leave...
it is too much work to be gone!  
However, this term I used a day...
I had's tough to teach without a voice!

It's a busy time for students and teachers,
as the school term comes to an end.

And, as the Christmas Holiday is right around the corner,
Let us remember the Reason for the Season.

Take care,

1 comment:

M said...

I am always impressed by what is still in place at your school! Here we have lost wood shop, auto shop, home ed and all the valuable classes that kids need to become adults. And most of those classes kept kids in school...I loved home ec in junior high- especially since it was just us girls...I learned to sew and still do today.

Your kids are very lucky to have a teacher like you.
Happy Monday!

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