Thursday, January 2, 2014

It was back to work today...but holiday memories dance in my head...

Hubby and I had been planning this holiday trip for months.
Departure from Aberdeen was scheduled for 5:20 a.m.
and on that morning it was well below zero.

I know de-icing is important...however...
they were de-icing ... and then de-icing some more.
Our departure was delayed by 40 minutes...
so, we missed our connecting flight in Minneapolis.

We took a little time to relax and refresh...

And camp out at our gate!

Thank goodness, we got on the next flight.

They don't mess around in Minneapolis.
De-icing was a snap and we were on our way again.

And our new seat assignments?
First class!
Complementary beverages and complementary lunch.
Can you spell L.U.C.K.Y. ??

The rest of our flight was smooth goin'...

And, finally, we were with family in Boston...
enjoying a bite to eat at the East End Grill.

Then, enjoying some game-day snacks and 
cheering for the New England Patriots with Emily and Jake.

So much more to share..
Stay tuned!

Take care,


Kit said...

How exciting! Glad you made it there okay. You look wonderful. :) Kit

Firecracker Kid said...

Oh my goodness, you're flying and I just watched "Flight" with Denzel W. You're brave! Good for you :)
Sounds like a good time was had by all and you enjoyed the holidays.

M said...

WoW! First Class!
I do not miss the snow at was 68 degrees in S.F! walked on the Embarcadero in shorts...but we do need the rain.

Glad you got to visit with your family :)
Happy New Year!

Lori said...

Looks like it was a good trip. You just missed the snow. Stay warm, its going to get chilly!

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