Saturday, January 18, 2014

Looking for the "Blog Worthy" in my Life...

I've been neglecting my blogs for way too long.
My blog has been my journal and my scrapbook...for years.

However, for over a year, my blog has had several gaps and holes.
I'm not going to lie...2013 was a rough year for hubby and me.

And now?
It's cold and it's dark when I get to work.
Gas prices just went up another 10 cents/gallon.
My hands, wrists, and arms hurt. Everything is a chore...even my hobbies that used to be fun. school schedule is perhaps one of my worst schedules in 36 years of teaching.

So, there...all my negatives are out.
I really want to focus on the positives.
I plan to focus on the "blog worthy" in my life.

(It's that...or Zoloft)

Take care,


The Moonlit Stitch said...

I HEAR you Natalie! I changed the ring tone on my cell to "Crazy Train" by Ozzy...and I don't listen to Ozzy. Hang in there massive doses of Vitamin D are coming our way soon...which should help a wee little bit having the sun. (and Z helps :) ~♥~Lisa

Kit said...

My I hear ya! Let's all hope for better months ahead. Hang in there. We're all here for you when you come in. :) Kit

Kit said...

My I hear ya! Let's all hope for better months ahead. Hang in there. We're all here for you when you come in. :) Kit

Unknown said...

Awww, I am so sorry! This weather and lack of light does not help! I have been struggling to blog as well. Just want to stay curled up on the couch and nap. Sending you big, warm hugs and prayers as well!


Deb said...

Sending positive energy and good thoughts Natalie, so sorry that you are having to endure such pain. And 'blogworthy' posts don't always have to be positive, we all have ups and downs, good and bad in our lives so post away, we're here to read and respond no matter what you want to say. Hope things improve for you soon and that you can get back to creating, Deb

Angie Berry ~ Berry Homespun Primitives said...

Oh girl, I know exactly what you mean! But that's one of the reasons why I love blogging so much. Because even when we have bad times, there are always those in blogland that can sympathize with us and encourage us. Wishing for a better year ahead of all of us~

M said...

Here's to a much better 2014 for you :) That cold, dark weather can take anyone need some melatonin!

Kathleen J. said...

I've had some of my own struggles with finding the "blog worthy". I know it gets better with time. You will find your blogging voice again.

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