Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Thank You for your Kind Words of Love and Support

As many of you know, this is the one-year anniversary 
of Mom's passing and funeral.
She died on February 7, 2013, and her funeral was on the 15th.
(I did not blog at that time...
I could not find the words to express what I was thinking and feeling)

And the reason for the time-span between her death and funeral?
A good old fashioned blizzard in the Dakotas.
We needed to move mom's belongings from her home at the assisted living facility in Devils Lake to our storage space in South Dakota. Plus, we knew we would be less stressed if we went home...regrouped...and then came back to celebrate mom's life and to be able to visit with family and friends.

Of course, her funeral was here in the chapel of the Heartland Care Center,
with the stained glass windows and alter furniture of Zion Lutheran Church, our home church.

So, it was natural for me to ask her about where she would like us to have her funeral.
After the closing worship services at Zion, she said,
"Well, there won't be very many people there, 
so the chapel at the funeral home will be just fine."

This chapel was perfect,
the service was lovely.

She wanted her nephews to be the pallbearers,
and my hubby, Scott, to sing her favorite hymns.

Many of my mom's friends were there.
Several of my high school classmates were there.
And, some of our cousins were there.

We had ordered a catered lunch from one of the local cafes.
And, one of my good friends offered to bake the sweets.

It was a good day.
My mom had lived a good life.
She was ready.
It was time for her to go.
It was time for us to say good-bye.

Take care,


The Moonlit Stitch said...

Tears here. Your mom was amazing. I can tell by what you write about her. What a journey we all are on here in this world. Thanks again for sharing♥ ~*~Lisa

Hillcresthome Prims said...

I feel for you dear friend. You were very lucky you had a wonderful,caring, loving Mom. Not a lot of people do and you were VERY blessed.
I took care of my MIL for over 4 yrs and she was like a Mom to me I even called her Mom, and when she passed, it has been 5 yrs now it still hurts because I was SO very close to her. Now I am caring for my FIL who is 87 yrs old and lives in the same town and has a home at the cape but he just got out of the hospital yesterday and is using a walker. He was in the hospital for a month and my husband (his son) and I went everyday to Boston for 21/2 weeks and then rehab but he doesn't look 87 young anymore. If you read my blog you will see a pic of him and I that my hubby took at the cape. He will not be going to the cape for awhile.

Bless you and I am sure you miss your mom everyday but know she is with you everyday.
Prayers and Hugs,
Tricia XO

Moneik said...

Such a tribute to your mom. My mom passed away on February 11th and we had her service on the 16th. It's been 3 years and I still remember those last few weeks. I was on maternity leave, brand new baby, and it was frigid cold. I spent several days sitting in the hospital with her as she moved on to her new home.

Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

Beautiful post
Prayers and Hugs to you.

Wicked Faerie Queen said...

Oh Natalie, you have brought tears to my eye today thinking of my Grandmother. She has been gone for almost 13 years and not a day goes by that she does not dance through my thoughts.

You were so lucky to have had such a wonderful mom in your life for so long.

Thinking of you today.


My Colonial Home said...

Hi Natalie,
What a beautiful post - it shows you loved your mother deeply - aren't memories wonderful? It's so warmng to us to reflect on them.
Blessings my friend.
Happy Valentine's Day

pam said...

Such a lovely post. Sorry so late in commenting, but was without internet because of our crazy southern snow.

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