Thursday, March 13, 2014

Happy Birthday, Darling Emily

A quarter of a century ago, you came into our lives.
We all were so excited for your arrival.

Amy wanted a little sister sooo badly.
And here you were...a perfect little baby doll.

You made our family complete.
Two parents...two precious children.

Such a pretty little thing...

Here's your first birthday, 
with the traditional milkglass pedistal cake plate...

And, your pile of presents was bigger than you were!

I don't think you've ever liked soda pop.

You always have taken your studies very seriously...

And you have always been pleased with a job well done!

Like your big sister, there was nothing better...

than kitties out on Grammy's porch!

And like your sister, you loved to dress up.
You wore tights 24/7...
yes, even to sleep.

You two didn't miss an episode of Sesame Street.

Your play kitchen was a favorite.
Perhaps that is why you are such a good cook?!

Always active and so athletic.



Emily, you have always been our pride and joy.
We love you and we miss you.

We hope you had a fabulous birthday!
Mom and Dad

1 comment:

Leah said...

Very nice post - Happy Birthday Emily! Such darling pictures :)

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