Saturday, July 12, 2014

6th Annual Where Bloggers Create ~ Welcome to my Studio ~

My sweet sewing I've missed you!
During my recovery from wrist surgery, 
my studio became more like a storage room...
a place to stash unfinished projects, school work, and piles of junk mail.

It has been 8 months and I have just started to return to my old creative self.
My mission early this summer was to clear the clutter...tidy up the shop.
Oh, plenty of 'clutter' remains, however, it's the special family keepsakes that surround me and are my creative inspiration. Like my mother's vintage teapots, and my grandma's vintage hats.

My very first counted cross stitch project actually resembles a cat that we adopted many years later.
She was named Patsy, after one of Amy's favorite books called Patsy the Pussycat.

The two family photos bring back memories of some special family times.
In the small heart frame...a vacation spent at Lake Okoboji
My hubby was struggling with anxiety at that time. 
We took very few trips out of town and this weekend at the resort was good.

The other photo brings back memories of happy times.
Amy, senior year, homecoming queen, leadership awards, class rank in the top 10.
Emily, 8th grade, running varsity cross country as one of the fastest girls in the state.

Here's my trusty postal scale
and a special birthday card from our girls.

Miss Sapphire is still on center stage.
Do you remember when she first moved in?
I'm still learning about all of her bells and whistles.

My old sewing machine is reserved for sewing on paper...
paper tags...paper ornaments...paper favors...
My sister-in-law knows I have an obsession for dress forms.
She found this sweet pinkeep for me for Christmas.

Speaking of dress forms...

This yellow bed jacket was a gift from my Auntie Vivian 
to my mom when she was in the hospital after I was born.  
I guess that makes it 58 years old.

If you are lucky enough to have a room to call your own,
surround yourself with things that make you smile.

 a mother's day gift from the darling daughters...
a loose powder box from my mother's vanity...
trophies from my 4-H days...
grandma's confirmation picture
too many kisses for this bear...
a friendship candle from special friends...
my daddy's lunch pail that we packed
my mother's chicken pinkeep...
and her sock darning basket...
this is a tatted doily that she had made for me for my birthday.

Yes, I'm happy to be back in my studio.
Thanks for stopping by.

Take care,

and see the fabulous studios of 
many other bloggers that have linked in...


Judys Lace Creations said...

Lovely, calm understated space. I admire such spaces even though mine is totally different.Great chance to see how/where others create.

Silvia said...

Love your space and all the beautiful memories you keep

The Farmer's Attic said...

What a beautiful, creative space you have. Thanks for letting me stop and visit you for a while :-)


Connie said...

I love your space and all the family treasures. My favorite is your Dad's lunch bucket . . . that is so special and it warmed my heart. I've always loved the little things in life that have sentimental value. I have a pin that my Grandpa bought for my grandma at a Five & Dime, that when he saw it, it reminded him of the day then met. I treasure it :)
Your new blogging sister,
Connie :)

Unknown said...

Very peaceful space. I understand when cleaning out clutter it is so difficult to get rid of things with emotional attachment, especially form family. I too have the same problem. I enjoyed my visit today.

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Wow, I'll bet you are glad to be back in your creative space! Thanks for the tour ~ I enjoyed seeing your mannequins. I like them, too, although I don't have room for much more. Such a great idea to use your old sewing machine for sewing paper. I have mine in the attic and wish I had space to put it ~ I'd do the same thing.

Ewe-N-Me said...

Wow! Such a beautiful space. Thank you for sharing with us.

Karen Valentine said...

Your studio is lovely! I know when I don't get to spend time in mine I get cranky, so you must be so happy to be playing in there again! Thank you so much for joining the party and letting us have a peak inside!

Jennifer's Vintage Paperie said...

I enjoyed touring through your space. The lovely momentos all around seem inspiring to me. Thanks for sharing.

Cathy said...

What a wonderful, cozy space you have to be creative in! And so many treasures to see! I enjoyed my visit.

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