Sunday, July 20, 2014

Jazz Fest 2014~This Groupie's Report

One of our sumer highlights...
Hubby's Jazz Group was invited to play at the Sioux Falls Jazz Fest.

Most of you know that we have been attending for years.
And this year, the Aberdeen Jazz was going to entertain!

Thousands and thousands of people attend...
like 125,000.

These were our favorite performers,
They are from Lincoln, Nebraska.

Plus you can go shopping at Jazz Fest!

Saturday morning we met for breakfast.
A twenty-minute wait to be seated,
means it's a popular place to eat...

While Alan was anxious to get on the road to attend a family reunion,
We had time to enjoy Crazy Days...

After explaining ourselves
to several Jazz Fest Officials,
we were allowed to drive our vehicle
onto the grass behind the stage.

Insturments and equipment...unloaded and set up.
(Why did I feel like the nervous Mother Hen?)
Here are our Aberdeen Jazz Group guys being introduced by
SDPB announcer Uncle Jimmo.

And then the guys just took off...doing what they do best.

...making music.

Aberdeen, you would have been proud of our hometown guys.

Great music, great weather, great friends, great food,
it was a great weekend!

Take care,

1 comment:

M said...

Great fun!
Great photos!
Happy ending of July!

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