Thursday, July 31, 2014

What'cha Workin' on Wednesday leads to Things in my House Thursday ~ Room by Room

Who else remembers that show, "Room by Room"?
I watched it every single day in the summer.
So sad that it is not on anymore!

So, I have created my own episode.
This summer I started in my bathroom.
Took absolutely everything out,
and was tempted to ask hubby to bring in the power washer!
(that vinyl flooring needs serious updating)

Going against the care label recommendations,
I put the shower curtain liner in the washing machine.
I figured if was ruined, another one will cost...what, $3.99?

And was all of this stuff really in my little bathroom?!

Yes, it was.
Now it is all clean, "spit shined" and polished.
Like my mother always said when we cleaned,
"A place for everything, and everything in it's place."

I love angels, birdhouses, and wind chimes.

On top, this is one of the pieces my mom 
treasured from Aunt Birdie's things.
And the Bathroom Rules were hung when our girls were very young.

Of course, 
no room is complete without a dress form or two.

My angel was a Christmas gift from Aunt Mary.
She always sent a huge box during the holidays,
and it was always quite a treat when our family opened the gifts all together.
This is perhaps my favorite.
The soaps and teak soap dish came all the way from Okinawa.

I love this doll from Olde Lady Morgan.
No matter how tired I feel at 4:30 am,
she always make me feel better about myself!

And this glamour girl...
what more can I say?

Last but not least,
on the back of the door hangs this sweet little slip.
Both girls wore this when they were about 5 years old.
Sweet memories.

Stay tuned for another episode of Room by Room.

Take care,

1 comment:

The Moonlit Stitch said...

I LOVED that show! Forgot about it until I read your post Natalie. Used to love Crafters Coast to Coast too. Love all of your decor! ~*~Lisa

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