Monday, July 28, 2014

Monday Mania...A little bad news...and A Whole Lot of Good News

Good News first...
You all know our youngest daughter and her boyfriend.
This is his first visit to our home in 2008.
They must be just 18 years old here.

google image
This past weekend, Friday, to be exact...
Jake took Emily out for dinner,
but first up to the Observation Deck of the
Custom House, Downtown Boston.
There, he proposed.
And, she said "Yes!"

They just look so happy.
And hubby and I are so happy for them!

Speaking of happy...
Amy and Nick have celebrated their second wedding anniversary this summer.
While stationed in England, they are missing their family and friends,
but, they do have the opportunity to take weekend trips to fabulous vacation spots all around Europe.
Here, they are having lunch in Prague.

Now ...why would I ruin this happy post 
with some bad news?
Well, local followers need to know that our Summer Cooking Series 
at Langs has been discontinued.
There was not enough participation to make it worth our time and money.

I was really enjoying working on these demonstrations,
but truth is...there are only two Thursdays left before I'll be back in school.
However, I did promise links to my last week's recipes...

This is a refreshing Lemon Blueberry Sweet Tea.

This Caesar Salad Dip was one of the favorites.

Now, without my planning and preparing for the Cooking Series,
I have no excuse for not finishing my house cleaning project before school starts!

We love that our family is growing, 
and I look forward to the day when all of you are sitting around our dining room table.

Enjoy what's left of your summer vacation.
Stay tuned for a Pasta Salad Recipe
and a report on my Summer Cleaning Series.

Take care,


Leah said...

Congrats to your family ~ your family all looks so happy!

Paula said...

Congrats! That is exciting news!
And as for the little bit of bad news...that is a bummer, Merleen & I just made plans to switch our weekly Wednesday date to Thursday so we could come to your demonstration! :(

M said...

Congrats on the engagement :)

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Congrats to the lovely couple! Such a lovely family you have!

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