Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Where the Week Went & What'cha Workin' on Wednesday...Knitting Club, School, Crafting...

I am happy to introduce our new Knitting Club.

Some of you remember our charter knitting club.
For 4 years, we created scarves for Special Olympics Athletes.
Most of these girls graduated and now we have a renewed interest.

Every Friday, I fill my slow cooker with soup...
we eat a quick lunch in my classroom and then go to work.
(This is my Vegetarian Chili.)

We are also fortunate to have a School Resource Officer
at our high school.

When he is not busy in the front office,
he likes to visit our classes.

He talks about school safety.

We do a mock traffic stop, complete with field sobriety tests.

On the homefront, we are in frantic fall crafting season.
Owls, Turkeys, Santas, Snowmen...

I crafted so hard that I actually got a blister on my finger!
(My ring is my Kappa Delta Sorority crest. 
My grandpa was so proud that I went to college,
and when I was elected president of our sorority, 
he wanted to purchase a keepsake for me.
It is one of my treasures)

I still have not learned the art of taking a 'selfie'...
I must take lessons from the Kardashians.

Take care,

1 comment:

pam said...

Looks like lots of good stuff going on! I can't take a selfie for anything!!

Remembering Daddy

My father was a World War II Veteran, a loving family man, and a hard working farmer. Here he is with his mentor, our neighbor, my Godfather...