Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Birthday Report ~My Friends and Family, They Spoil Me

My Birthday was a pretty special day. 
I was having a tough time with the realization that 
I am now in the last year of my fifth decade of life.

It was a beautiful morning.
My good friend, Sherri was coming over for lunch.
We have so much to talk about, as we both have a daughter named Emily,
and they are both getting married in week apart!
We hope to meet once a week this summer to compare
our MOB Notes.

Usually, we set out a smorgasbord of snack type foods.
I had made our family's favorite bean dip.
Sherri brought a couple of birthday beverages and fresh fruit.

If that wasn't already enough, she had baked a cake,
and brought a gift...too pretty to open!

We have been friends for almost 20 years. 
Our two girls, and their three children were in dance and on swim team.
We coordinated car pools for a dozen years...until our Amy got her drivers license and could drive all the little swimmers to practice.
Actually, Sherri and I go way, way back...
I was her teacher in High School!

And now, Sherri is a teacher too.
This birthday card was double funny to both of us.
Not only am I a crazy cat lady,
but we think that this is exactly what some of our students might be thinking when we ask them to do something reasonable, like
"please, sit down in your chair."

I did open that pretty box. 
Inside, a pretty, pretty, Vera Bradley mini tote.
It is just perfect for my summer errands,
as my MOB Planning Journal fits inside along with other necessities.

While we were chatting, we received Birthday Greetings 
via FaceTime from the daughter and SIL "across the pond".
And then, the UPS delivered a package from daughter and soon-to-be SIL in Boston.

All of you that sew and craft, will understand this gift.
Gingher Shears are the Cadillac of Fabric Shears.
I have wanted a pair since I worked at Northwest Fabrics in the early 80's!

Hubby had to go to an evening meeting at our church,
but afterwards, we went out and shared a Burger,
and a Birthday Dessert, Amaretto Cheesecake.

Last, but certainly not least...
what was in that lovely gift bag in the first photo?
Hubby gave me this beautiful handbag.
My family knows that I have an obsession with bags...
We cannot pass a purse department when we go shopping.
And I think my hubby has been paying attention when our daughters and I discuss purse criteria...
as this one is perfect!

I just love both bags and both will be well used.
My cravings for a new purse have been satisfied...
for a good while!

Thank you friends and family for a great day.
Take care,

p.s. Remember, I am having a birthday giveaway?
I did draw for a winner, but since this post has been long enough already...
I will announce another day...soon.
Please stay tuned.

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