Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day to my Hubby ~and Remembering my Daddy on this Special Sunday

Hubby and I can't think of anything better than,
when our whole family is seated around our table.

Here's my hubby, our family's fabulous father,
always seated at the head of the table, in the captain's chair.
He's the "host with the most"...
whether it is serving,
carving the turkey,
or making the best brunch.

Today, it will be your day to relax while we wait on you!

I was born a premature baby, and was pretty tiny.
I needed to stay in an incubator, 
so was in the hospital for the first month of my life.
This four generation photo must have been taken shortly after I came home.
My daddy, his mother Rhuda, and my Great Grandma Kirkeide is holding me.
(Don't you love the wallpaper in our living room?)

And another four generations with Daddy, My Grandpa Gustave,
and his mother, Great Grandma Medheus.
(I am going to have to check that spelling of her name?)

My first birthday, and a gift from Manns. It looks like a new outfit!
Manns Department Store was the Neiman Marcus of Devils Lake in those days.

I liked to do my daddy's hair...
and I'm wondering if maybe I had cut my own earlier in the day?!

Mom's best recipe was her homemade spaghetti sauce.
In fact, the recipe was a secret.
And you know, there are always a couple of pieces of pasta that stick in the colander.

I have the best memories of visiting my cousins in Minneapolis.

I liked to stand on the edge of the bathtub and watch my daddy shave.
When he was finished, he would put the cap back on the razor and pretend to shave my face.
I can still feel how that vibration would tickle and make me giggle.

When my dad mowed the lawn, I would pull that big red wagon along behind.
When I think about it now...that wagon must have weighed more than I did!

This was my mom's favorite picture.
She carried in her wallet till the day she died.
Love you and Miss you, Daddy.

Happy Father's Day to all who love, 
care for, and protect our children.

Take care,

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