Monday, August 3, 2015

Monday Mania ~Where the Weekend Went ~~Actually, What Happened to July...And the Summer? ~~~National Girlfriend Day

This weekend, we turned the page in our calendar planner to August.
Our wedding projects are coming together, 
and in just two weeks I will be sharing photos of the big day!

Packages continue to arrive...

In fact, Friday was a two package day!

Out in the shop?
A very large crate,

and a very large backdrop.

Saturday was a day of work around the house, shop and yard.
Good friends, Dennis and Patty kidnapped us to go out for dinner.
Then, we ended up with a lovely tour of Patty's Garden.

Speaking of girlfriends...
A visit from this gem was a highlight of my summer.
We met as Freshmen Textile and Clothing majors in college.
Together we took every Clothing Construction class possible...
and we always chose to be lab partners.

She brought special gifts...

...and fashionable shoes to wear with my MOB dress!

Since she lives far away,
we see each other only every few years.
However, our visits always start up right were we left off.

Thank you, Debra, for spending the afternoon with me.
Safe travels as you return to your home.

Take care,

1 comment:

My Colonial Home said...

Hi Natalie
Oh we were just talking about how fast July went - we were on vacation the first 3 weeks so it really went flying by for us.
Such a wonderful friendship! I have a girlfriend like that. Isn't it wonderful how it goes that you just pick up as if you were never apart....that's true friends.

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