Thursday, September 3, 2015

What'cha Workin' on Wednesday ~My New Classroom ~~and First Day of School Selfie

I have a new classroom.
It is still quite bare.
In fact, it is so bare, that there is an echo when we speak.

I have moved curriculum materials and teaching resourses in.
My goal is to get at least one box unpacked each day.
(Along with teaching, planning, correcting, 
supervising, and attending meetings.)

I did hang a few banners on the wall.
Command Strips are the only adhesive we are allowed to use.
So a trip to WalMart and $25 later, I got 'er done.

I had already spent $45 on new decorations 
before I knew about the poster ban...
so there was no other option.
Do you see I have a smart board now?

I have requested a table for the front of the room,
so I don't have to use this make-shift cart, desks and chairs.
It is a work in progress, and I will take photos when it all comes together.

The girls and I have always taken first day of school photos...
so this selfie was in their honor.

Today is already our 9th day of classes.
The forecast is for 95 degrees.
Thank goodness for air conditioning in our buildings.

Take care,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You look fabulous, Natalie! I love those smart boards. Sure is a lot better than those overhead projectors. Good luck with your school year!

Welcome March ~What‘cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~the Little Things that Make me Smile

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