Saturday, January 16, 2016

TGIF ~Friday Night with Friends and Live Music ~Perfect Ending to a Busy Week ~Make Half Your Grains Whole ~Recipe Link

We are hardy folks in the Dakotas.  While the weather is frigid,
we easily filled our Friday Night table at The Brass Kettle.
Good friends warm the heart.

The Aberdeen Jazz have been booked to play 3 Fridays in January.
Maybe some of you will join us next weekend?

Patty and I have been "groupies" for years.  
Our hubbies have played together for as long as I can remember.

This was the first full week of the new semester.
This is our foyer on a typical morning.
My bags are packed and by the door.
My teacher school bag,
my staff computer,
my student's folders,
and a couple waffle irons.

Yes, my Fitness for Life students made whole wheat waffles...

and did the syrup comparison.

Focusing on carbohydrates,
you know the recommendation is to 
"Make Half Your Grains Whole".

You can use blueberries or raspberries...
or a combination!

They taste so good...
they taste so healthy!

Happy Weekend...Stay healthy...Stay safe and warm.

Take care,

1 comment:

Kit said...

You guys look like you have so much fun. Like us in Montana, we fill our winter nights with fun, no matter the weather. Those muffins look fabulous! :) Kit

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