Friday, April 1, 2016

TGIF ~Finally Friday ~~As American As Apple Pie

I'm not sure who loves Friday afternoons more...
the students or the teachers?

We spent some time in our library, 
conducting research and creating Power Point Presentations.
Yes, it was exhausting.
I am anxious to see their creative works starting Monday.

Today's highlight was our Apple Pie lab.

Seven lab groups used the same recipe...

with the same instructions...

and no two pies were the same!

But, all their pies looked and tasted amazing!

Each pie comes out of the oven with its own personality.

Here is a printer friendly recipe on our cooking blog...

And the best part?
Each lab group invites an adult guest.
They set their table...complete with a centerpiece,
and they serve their pie with ice cream and coffee.

The perfect ending to my work week!
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.

Take care,

1 comment:

Kit said...

Well now of course I am craving apple pie!...LOL All the different looks reminds me of my show The Ultimate British Baking Show. Where they are given a recipe and some of the bakers do not know what they should look like. Lots of variations. We just started Spring Break and the weather is lovely and I am excited. :) Kit

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