Sunday, January 22, 2017

Happy Weekend ~Where the Week Went

Most of you know that I like to get to school early.
I use that quiet time to set up for class,
and then I can enjoy my time greeting the students.

Fitness for Life is one of my favorite classes.
It is an interdisciplinary class where students spend time 
working out in PE, 
and time preparing nutritious snacks in the FACS classroom.
This week, whole wheat pretzels...

I especially enjoy Fridays,
when the entire group meets as one.
Students, in alphabetical order,
(for attendance taking purposes)
stretching, and waiting for instructions.

I am always impressed how our PE teachers can take command of
80-90 students, create work-out activities that are fun, 
and keep everyone engaged.

Just outside my classroom,
the TV Production students were setting up for an interview.

They had a few questions for a couple of the Girls BB players.

This, however, did not distract my teacher's aide
who was arranging our FACS display case.

Meanwhile, inside my classroom,

Blueberry Muffins


On Friday, history was in the making...
An event that will have a huge impact 
on these young people's lives.

Students came up to the frying station 
in small groups to make their donuts.
This allowed the others to watch the live broadcast of the

All in all, it was a productive week.

The weekend goes so fast, it is already Sunday!
A day for this teacher to plan and prepare 
for the upcoming week.

Enjoy what's left of your weekend.

Take care,

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