Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Prayers Please, For Some Special Young Women

A horrific traffic accident this weekend shook our community.

Six senior girls were traveling together when they started to experience 
some mechanical problems with their vehicle.
Going 10 mph with their hazard lights flashing,
they were rear-ended by another vehicle.

Their Jeep burst into flames.
The first responders (Guardian Angels)
were able to help them 
escape from the burning vehicle.

We are so thankful that all the girls survived...
however, they will require time to heal physically and emotionally.

All six of these girls have been a delight to have in class.
They are excellent students, involved in athletics,
activities, and Student Senate.

This is the phone call that no parent wants to get.
They have a difficult road ahead.

Please keep the girls and their families in your prayers.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Take care,
Mrs. Geffre

(permission was obtained to use these photos of the accident)

I have been teaching here long enough to have had the girls and their mommies in class.
I  cannot stop thinking about what these families are experiencing.
My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

1 comment:

MaryK said...

Thank you so very much for posting this lovely message. As LN's aunt, I can say that we are truly so very thankful that there were people there to help them all get out. Now we need to continue to pray for everyone involved. And your right, it needs to be not just for them physically, but also emotionally. A horrific accident like this can be so mind boggling. We truly believe that God was watching over all of them Sunday night. And we are so thankful for that.

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