Sunday, May 14, 2017

Mother's Day Blessings to all Women Who Nurture and Care for Children ~Celebrating the Special Women in my Life

Vintage Holiday Crafts
Best wishes today to all mothers and to all women 
who nurture and care for others.
Some women do not have babies of their own, 
but still play such an important role in raising our children.

Some are teachers, nurses, and day care providers.
Others are aunts, Godmothers, and special family friends.

Women are born with a mothering instinct, 
and they naturally provide love and support to those that they care about.

Mother's Day 2012
This was the last Mother's Day we all spent together. 
It was special, indeed, as my mother passed away the following February.
Our girls have moved away...
I have sweet memories of this weekend that we girls spent together.

We will be celebrating Mother's Day today with my hubby's mother
at our traditional gathering in my sister-in-law's home.

Here she is celebrating with these special young women,
our foreign exchange daughters...
Line from Norway and Nellie from Denmark.
I love you and miss you, too!

Enjoy every moment that you spend 
with your family and friends.

Take care,

1 comment:

Kit said...

Happy Mom's Day to you! Have a great celebration! :) Kit

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