Thursday, May 18, 2017

What'cha Workin' on Wednesday ~The FINAL Final Project ~Our Guest Meal Report

The culmination of my Foods Class is our guest meal.
Students prepare lasagna, salad, and chocolate mousse dessert.

For two days in a row,
I loaded up my cart at the supermarket.

It warms my heart when students 
invite their parents to visit us at school.
...and I'm sure these dads felt the same way, 
spending the morning with their darling daughters.

My last block of the day is just the best.

(While, the previous block may be one of the worst...
I took NO pictures of that group!)

However, this group reminded me about why I work so hard!

They had their table set early,
so while waiting for our guests, I got these photos.

Again, some parents and older siblings attended our dinner.

A bright spot in my day!
Thank you for making sweet memories.

Take care,

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