Monday, August 28, 2017

Celebrating Hubby's Birthday in Denver ~America's Pastime:There's No Better Way to Spend the Day ~When You Go to a Ballgame and a Dog Show Breaks Out

On the fifth morning we moved downtown.
This was our fifth hotel in five days.
(Yes, my suitcase was a mess...
I just wanted to hang some of my clothes up in the closet!)

This was our home-away-from-home during the Conference.
Hubby could go to his meetings and I could walk along
check out all the attractions.

It was Hubby's birthday.
To celebrate, we went to a Colorado Rockies game.


Hubby got into the spirit by playing this game.
He won a rally towel.
Little did we know that towel was such a useful prize...
There was a quick rain shower,
and we had the towel to dry our stadium seats after the rain delay!

The skies cleared and it was show time!

Much to our delight, 
it was Bark in the Park Night at Coors Stadium.
Is that not just the happiest looking dog you have seen?!

Happy and Proud.
Not sure who was enjoying this more...
the dogs or the humans?

The parade was confined to the warning track
(for obvious reasons)
which is a long way to walk, if you have short legs.

Some pets were all business...

...and some were there to socialize.

Looking for Love in all the Right Places.

And then it was time for the real reason we were there.

The dogs were off the field, the rain tarp was rolled up,
and we had our Stadium Brat.
Let's Play Ball.

And play ball they did...
The Rockies won 17 to 2 that night.

It was a nice walk from the stadium back to our hotel.
I hope you had a wonderful birthday, honey.

Take care,

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